Website for SSPE

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Course List

SPED 2010 - Team Sports
This course aims to provide students with opportunities to acquire the basic knowledge and skills to teach general physical education programs for students in primary schools, secondary schools as well as for community sport settings. This course will also enhance students’ instructional skills and learning experiences in different team sports, so as to be able them to teach and promote team sports to students at all ages. For understanding the development of different team sports in local and regional perspectives, introduction to the history, main competitive events and current trends of particular sports will also be discussed. Evaluation bases on formative and summative assessments to keep track on students' learning progress.

SPED 2011 - Teaching Basketball: Theory and Practice
This course aims to provide students with opportunities to acquire the basic knowledge and skills to teach general physical education programs for students in primary schools, secondary schools as well as for community sport settings. In addition, this course will develop students’ learning experiences and fundamental skills in Basketball for the betterment of advanced courses and career in the future.

SPED 2021 - Teaching Volleyball: Theory and Practice
This course aims to provide students with opportunities to acquire the basic knowledge and skills to teach general physical education programs for students in primary schools, secondary schools as well as for community sport settings. This course will also enhance students’ instructional skills and learning experiences in volleyball, so as to be able them to teach and promote volleyball to students at all ages. For understanding the development of volleyball in local and regional perspectives, introduction to the history, main competitive events and current trends of volleyball will also be discussed. Evaluation bases on formative and summative assessments to keep track on the learning progress.

SPED 2031 - Teaching Soccer: Theory and Practice
This course aims to provide students with opportunities to acquire the basic knowledge and skills to teach general physical education programs for students in primary schools, secondary schools as well as for community sport settings. This course will also enhance students’ instructional skills and learning experiences in soccer, so as to be able them to teach and promote soccer to students at all ages. For understanding the development of soccer in local and regional perspectives, introduction to the history, main competitive events and current trends of soccer will also be discussed. Evaluation bases on formative and summative assessments to keep track on the learning progress.

SPED 2041 - Teaching Handball: Theory and Practice
This course aims to provide students with opportunities to acquire the basic knowledge and skills to teach general physical education programs for students in primary schools, secondary schools as well as for community sport settings. This course will also enhance students’ instructional skills and learning experiences in handball, so as to be able them to teach and promote handball to students at all ages. For understanding the development of handball in local and regional perspectives, introduction to the history, main competitive events and current trends of handball will also be discussed. Evaluation bases on formative and summative assessments to keep track on the learning progress.

SPED 2051 - Teaching Badminton: Theory and Practice
This course aims to provide students with opportunities to acquire the basic knowledge and skills to teach general physical education programs for students in primary schools, secondary schools as well as for community sport settings. This course will also enhance students’ instructional skills and learning experiences in badminton, so as to be able them to teach and promote badminton to students at all ages. For understanding the development of badminton in local and regional perspectives, introduction to the history, main competitive events and current trends of badminton will also be discussed. Evaluation bases on formative and summative assessments to keep track on the learning progress.

SPED 2061 - Teaching Table Tennis: Theory and Practice
This course aims to enhance students’ instructional skills and knowledge in table tennis. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to apply the knowledge for demonstrating different basic skills of table tennis. During the course, students will learn the teaching and coaching skills of table tennis, so as to teach the Physical Education classes in Primary and Secondary School.

SPED 2110 - Individual Sports
This course includes the theories and practicum on swimming and cycling, and the teaching will use an integrated approach. Emphasis will be placed on the understanding of the specific skills and its teaching. In addition, the learning regimes together with the planning and implementation of the appropriate swimming and cycling lessons.

SPED 2111 - Teaching Swimming I: Theory and Practice
This course includes the theories and practicum on swimming and the teaching will use an integrated approach. Emphasis will be placed on the understanding of the front crawl and breaststroke and its teaching. In addition, the learning regimes together with the planning and implementation of the appropriate swimming lessons.

SPED 2112 - Teaching Swimming II: Theory and Practice
This course includes the theories and practicum on swimming and the teaching will use an integrated approach. Emphasis will be placed on the understanding of the butterfly and backstroke and its teaching. In addition, the learning regimes together with the planning and implementation of the appropriate swimming lessons.

SPED 2122 - Fitness Training for Health and Sports Performance
This course includes the principles and theories on fitness training for health and sports performance and the teaching will use an integrated approach. Emphasis will be placed on the understanding of the fitness components, training and its teaching. In addition, the learning regimes together with the planning and implementation of the appropriate fitness programmes and lessons.

SPED 2131 - Teaching Track & Field Events I: Theory & Practice
This course includes the theories and practicum on Track & Field Events and the teaching will use an integrated approach. Emphasis will be placed on the understanding of the specific sport skills and its teaching. In addition, the learning regimes together with the planning and implementation of the appropriate Track & Field Events lessons.

SPED 2134 - Teaching Track & Field Events II: Theory & Practice
This course includes the advanced theories, practicum and training methods on Track & Field Events and the teaching will use an integrated approach. In addition, the learning regimes together with the teaching, planning and implementation of the appropriate Track & Field Events team training.

SPED 2141 - Fundamental Movement and Dances
This course will train students to acquire the skills to become competent physical educators and coaches teaching and/or coaching fundamental movement and dance skills. Key elements such as observational skill, motor learning ability as well as other vital teaching techniques will be emphasized in this course. Students will be assessed by three domains including: (a) knowledge, (b) skill performance, and (c) skill demonstration. In the section of fundamental movement skills (FMS), students are required to innovate and organize different modes of teaching strategies and learning activities for teaching locomotor, stability and manipulative skills. In dance section, students work in group to design the choreography for dance. This course will also develop students' generic skills such as the creativity, communication, collaboration and problem solving skills through the learning activities of fundamental movement skills and dance, so as to enable them to teach confidently and professionally in their future careers.

SPED 2211 - Teaching Gymnastics : Theory and Practice
This course aims to enhance students’ instructional skills and knowledge in gymnastics, enabling them to demonstrate gymnastics movement during teaching, understand the related safety measures and practice method. Students can also learn to appreciate the beauty of gymnastics movement. During the course, students will learn the teaching and coaching skills of gymnastics.

SPED 2520 - Functional Human Anatomy and Sports Injuries
This course aims to develop students’ knowledge of the structure and function of human body in relation to physical education and exercise science. A number of the body’s systems will be examined with an emphasis being placed on the musculoskeletal system. Common musculoskeletal injuries experienced during physical activity and exercise will also be discussed. Apart from lectures, laboratories and tutorials will be utilized to develop and reinforce student learning.

SPED 2540 - Introduction to Exercise Physiology
This course examines the basic concepts of energy metabolism, nutrition and the physiological responses to exercise and training. Emphasis will be placed on the application of such knowledge upon teaching physical education and upon the improvement of exercise performance. The students are provided with hands-on experience of conducting laboratory work, which examines the physical responses to exercise. Prerequisite: SPED 2520.

SPED 2600 - Basic Statistics, Test and Measurement for Physical Education
This course will help the student to develop an introductory level of statistical competence and computing for a general understanding of the contribution of measurement and data analysis techniques used in Sports Science and Physical Education. Students are expected to practice lab skills inside and outside class time. E-learning platform using flipped classroom and blackboard are mandatory.

SPED 2610 - Introduction to Exercise Biomechanics
This course introduces students to the important biomechanical principles that relate to human movement. Applications to teaching and coaching are provided in this course in the form of fundamental movement patterns and sports-specific techniques. Furthermore, concepts related to injury prevention are discussed. In addition to lectures, students will participate in practical sessions to facilitate their learning. Prerequisite: SPED 2520.

SPED 2710 - Sociology of Physical Education and Sports
This course will explore the current issues in school physical education and sports from a sociological perspective. The course will focus on the meaning of sport and physical activity in society and how it fits into the physical education programmes in Hong Kong schools. Because most of the students taking this course are training to be physical education teachers and sports related professionals, the course will emphasize issues that relate to the role of the physical education teacher and the challenges that are expected when they enter schools as practicing professionals.

SPED 2720 - Foundation of Physical Education and Sports
The course provides the student with an introduction to the discipline of physical education, exercise and sport and the opportunities within the field. A broad overview of the discipline is presented, significant historical events are identified and contemporary issues and problems confronting professionals are discussed. The growing and increasingly divers career opportunities within the field are examined and strategies to prepare for these careers are introduced.

SPED 2810 - Psychomotor Learning
The aim of this course is to introduce the principles of human skill performance, principles of skill learning and how the principles apply in the areas of physical education and sports. The learning experiences in this course will develop students to be professional educators and/or sports personnel in their future careers.

SPED 3220 - Alternative Sports
This course is designed to introduce students to alternative sports. Upon the completion of the course, students will be able to: 1) demonstrate correct skills and leadership in the alternative sports; 2) teach the specific skills of the alternative sports; 3) demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical aspects; and 4) develop interest in coaching and officiating of the sports.

SPED 3250 - Teaching Dances: Theory and Practice
This course aims to provide students with opportunities to acquire the basic knowledge and skills of few major types of dances: Folk, Character, Creative and Ballet. This course also will provide the guideline to conduct a dance class, warm-up and stretching technique and concept of music and rhythm relate to dance. By understanding the knowledges about choreography in dance, rehearsal skills, stage knowledge, performance and evaluation, those knowledges can enhance students’ capability to organize and run a dance performance/ show in schools.

SPED 3400 - Teaching Practice in Primary School
This courses aims to provide opportunities to SSPE students practice their teaching skills through the implementation and verification of teaching theories into practice. With the supervisions and guidance of SSPE TP Supervisors, External TP Supervisors and Teaching Advisors, students can equip and prepare themselves as a competent physical education teacher in the future through the experiences acquired during teaching practice. Therefore, student-teachers would grasp this opportunity to experience and understand the real situation in teaching profession. Major students are required to take 8 units of Teaching Practice (TP). These units are spread over two years of study whereas students are placed in a variety of primary schools to implement their teaching in authentic school environment and become acquainted with the organization, administration and discipline of primary schools in Hong Kong. Students can design their physical education lessons by applying the pedagogical skills and teaching theories learnt in SPED3450 (pedagogy in primary physical education) and other practical skill courses to the authentic teaching environment. (For Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health Majors only).

SPED 3410 - Curriculum Planning for Physical Education
Curriculum serves as a blueprint of education with specific educational goals and actions for teaching and learning. This course is designed to introduce students to theories and concepts in curriculum planning for primary and secondary physical education (PE). In this course, current curriculum policies and guidelines addressed by the Education Bureau and curriculum models with particular reference to physical education are addressed. In addition, stages of planning, implementation and evaluation of curriculum planning are discussed. Students are guided to develop critical thinking and reflective and problem-solving skills through class discussions and group works, so that they are able to construct their ideas on PE curriculum design with the consideration of their personal teaching philosophy and the visions and missions of the entire education and physical education.

Up-to-date issues and practices related to overseas and local PE curriculums nowadays will be discussed throughout the course to let students analyze the problems and generate possible solutions for tackling with the problems encountered in PE nowadays, for instance, limited PE time, lack of motivation and low physical activity levels in PE, students’ physical abilities, health and mental issues, etc. Through the process of identifying the problems, suggesting solutions, developing action plans and evaluation, our students as the pre-service teachers would be more self-initiated to reflect their roles as a gatekeeper for developing effective PE curriculums for Hong Kong primary and secondary school students. In the 21st century, health issues are always the controversial topic all over the world. Therefore, we expect PE professionals could create a supportive and motivational learning environment in school physical education for nurturing our young generations their interests in physical activities and lifelong exercise habits in their lifetime.

SPED 3430 - Administration and Management in Physical Education and Sports
This course will analyse the basic principles involved in organization and administration physical activity with particular reference to the school physical education programmes and community settings in Hong Kong.

SPED 3440 - Pedagogy of Secondary Physical Education
This course is to enable students to better understand how sport, Physical Education (PE) and Physical Activity (PA) can be individualized to meet unique needs of learners of various ages, capabilities and interest in secondary school. Through adopting activity and theory-based, problem-solving and inquiry approach, students are expected to be actively engaged in a broad spectrum of individual and collaborative tasks as well as other interactive modes of learning. This course will focus on the following topics: (1) Analysis of current issues in Hong Kong school PE, sport and PA development; (2) Application of cutting edge research findings in promoting active living and professionalism; (3) The use of a reflective approach which includes a problem-based learning (PBL) and creativity in promoting and implementing active schooling and active living; (4) Analysis of learners and learning - explain how PE and PA and Sport can be individualized to meet special and unique needs of students.

SPED 3450 - Pedagogy of Primary Physical Education
This course aims to enable students to design, to teach and to evaluate physical education and health which are suitable for the local primary school students of various ages, capabilities, and interest. Through adopting an activity-based, problem-solving and inquiry approach, students are expected to be actively engaged in a broad spectrum of individual and collaborative tasks as well as other interactive modes of learning.

SPED 3550 - Physiology of Human Performance
The aim of this course is to provide the students with up-to-date and research-based information for understanding the physiological aspects of exercise. This course will examine the current concepts of energy metabolism and other physiological responses to exercise and training. Emphasis will be placed on the application of such knowledge upon the improvement of exercise performance and upon the promotion of exercise. The students will be provided with hands-on experience of conducting laboratory work which examines the metabolic responses to exercise. Prerequisite: SPED 2540.

SPED 3630 - Introduction to Research Methods
This course is designed as an introduction to basic research methods that are applicable to physical education and sports science. It will enable students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to familiarise and to conduct a research project in physical education and sports science. It is complementary to all advanced theoretical courses of the programme. Students will gain the competency to conduct an independent project which may lead him/her to pursue a higher degree of studies in sports science and physical education in future. Prerequisite: SPED 2600.

SPED 3731 - Selected Topics in Sports Sociology
This course is designed to enable the students to have a better understanding of sport sociology by going deep into the major sociological theories commonly used in sport sociology and to examine a number of key issues in sport sociology. Students will be taught to make use of the key concepts in the sociological theories learnt in the study of the selected topics in sport sociology, with a view to acquiring a better understanding of the relationship between sport and society. Students will also be asked to understand how sports development has been strongly influenced by the occurrence of some social processes, such as the political, economic and socio-cultural developments and the processes of globalization and commercialization. The issues of age and sport, gender and sport, and social classes and sport will also be examined.

SPED 3820 - Introduction to Exercise and Sports Psychology
This course is designed to cover a wide range of topics pertaining to motivation and subsequent performance in sports; to provide students with an understanding of some major theories derived from general psychology as the basis for examining their validity within the context of sport. Students will gain an understanding of the sport and exercise psychology principles as apply to performance and participation behaviours. They will also learn how to critically evaluate key theories and research findings within sport and exercise psychology, and their applications in real world contexts.

SPED 3910 - Adapted Physical Education and Sports
The term adapted physical education generally refers to school-based programs for students ages 3-21, the more global term adapted physical activity refers to programs across the life span, including post-school programs (i.e. adapted sport). This course is to enable students to better understand how physical education can be individualized to meet special and unique needs of learners. Through adopting an activity-based, problem-solving and inquiry approach, students are expected to be actively engaged in a broad spectrum of individual and collaborative tasks as well as other interactive modes of learning.

SPED 3920 - Human Growth and Health Education
This course provides students with an understanding of a number of concerns related to the growth, development, maturation in humans and the health at local and international level. Furthermore, the interaction of these factors with physical activity and exercise is examined. As development entails physiological, psychological and behavioral contexts, a multi-disciplinary approach is utilized in this course.

SPED 4201 - Internship in Sports Industry
Internship is one of the required courses for undergraduate students of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education. It is a form of experiential learning, which provides opportunities for students to put the knowledge and skills they learned from the program into practice via engaging in a real-life career in the sports industry. Areas of sports industry attachment mainly focus on coaching, research, clinical attachment, health promotion and administration. Students are expected to observe rules, regulations and responsibility of a regular full-time employee of the industry they are attached to. The performance of student will be evaluated based upon a collection of performance of the internship and tutorial sessions, an internship report, and an evaluation report from the industry supervisor.

SPED 4400 - Teaching Practice in Secondary School
Teaching Practice (TP) aims to provide opportunities to SSPE students practice their teaching skills through the implementation and verification of teaching theories into practice. With the supervisions and guidance of SSPE TP Supervisors, External TP Supervisors and Teaching Advisors, students can equip and prepare themselves as a competent physical education teacher in the future through the experiences acquired during teaching practice. Therefore, student-teachers would grasp this opportunity to experience and understand the real situation in teaching profession. Major students are required to take 8 units of Teaching Practice (TP). These units are spread over two years of study whereas students are placed in a variety of secondary schools to implement their teaching in authentic school environment and become acquainted with the organization, administration and discipline of secondary schools in Hong Kong. Students can design their physical education lessons by applying the pedagogical skills and teaching theories learnt in SPED3440 (pedagogy in secondary physical education) and other practical skill courses to the authentic teaching environment. (For Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health Majors only).

SPED 4560 - Physical Fitness Appraisal and Exercise Prescription
This course aims to help students to acquire knowledge of the basic concepts of fitness testing and exercise prescription for general healthy population. Major health-related fitness components including cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility, body composition, and neuromuscular relaxation will be covered. Course format includes flipped classroom (e-learning), lectures, lab experience, and field trip (tbc). Through this course, students will become proficient in administering the basic exercise tests typically used in field and corporate fitness setting, and be able to prescribe tailor-made exercise prescription for their clients. Students are expected to practice lab skills inside and outside class time. E-learning platform using flipped classroom and blackboard are mandatory. Prerequisite: SPED 2540.

SPED 4570 - Education and Promotion of Exercise and Health
This course will focus on the promotion of health, fitness and performance through the medium of exercise in the context of both the school and the wider community. Students will be made aware of the key concepts in this generic field of wellness and the potential of physical activity, exercise and the P.E. programme to facilitate its achievement. In addition, students will be enlightened in relation to the social context, lifestyle characteristics and health and fitness needs of their client, youth, families and communities in Hong Kong. Knowledge in such areas will enable them to design appropriate health skills programmes.

SPED 4640 - Human Kinematics and Kinetics
The objective of this course is to provide students with knowledge and understanding regarding the kinematic and kinetic aspects of human movement. Four topics will be emphasized (1) biomechanical modeling of the human body; (2) principles and concepts of observing and analyzing the human performance; (3) biomechanical principles of optimal techniques in selected sports and movements; and (4) instrumentation and measurement in the biomechanics of human movement. Teaching and coaching examples will be provided in these topics.

SPED 4830 - Psychological Aspects of Sports and Exercise
To introduce students to theoretical and practical aspects of sports and exercise psychology. This course builds on the foundation of knowledge that was created in SPED3820 and covers psycho-social and developmental issues in the field. Prerequisite: SPED 3820.

SPED 4900 - Research Project
The Research Project is a compulsory course for final year undergraduate students of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education. It aims to develop the student’s ability to conduct independent research in the area of physical education, exercise science and health. The development, undertaking and completion of the project is the culmination of the BEd/BSc learning experience and students must take and pass the course of Research Methods (SPED 3630) prior to enrolling to this course. It is intended to be a largely independent piece of work, which is aimed at combining and utilising the research skills and knowledge developed and gained from other relevant previous courses, and using these to complete a piece of original research within the student’s area of interest. Prerequisite: SPED 3630.

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